Sohlberg and Mateer’s landmark introductory text helped put cognitive rehabilitation on the map for a generation of clinicians, researchers, educators, and students. Now, more than a decade later, the discipline has come of age. This new volume provides a comprehensive overview of this fast-evolving field. More than a revised edition, the text reflects the dramatic impact of recent advances in neuroscience and computer technology, coupled with changes in service delivery models. The authors describe a broad range of clinical interventions for assisting persons with acquired cognitive impairments—including deficits in attention, memory, executive functions, and communication—and for managing associated emotional and behavioral issues. For each approach, theoretical underpinnings are reviewed in depth and clinical protocols delineated. Difficult concepts are explained in a clear, straightforward fashion, with realistic case examples bringing the material to life. Also included are samples of relevant assessment instruments, rating scales, and patient handouts. Throughout, the new volume emphasizes the need to work from a community perspective, providing a framework for forming collaborative partnerships with families and caregivers. It is an essential resource for professionals across a wide variety of rehabilitation specialties, and will serve as a text in courses on rehabilitation methods and neurogenic disorders.
I. Fundamentals for Practicing Cognitive Rehabilitation1. Introduction2. Neurological Disorders Associated with Cognitive Impairments3. Variables Contributing to Neurological and Neurobehavioral Recovery4. Assessment of Individuals with Cognitive Impairments II. Management Approaches for Cognitive Impairments5. Management of Attention Disorders6. Memory Theory Applied to Intervention7. The Use of External Aids in Cognitive Rehabilitation8. Management of Dysexecutive Symptoms9. The Assessment and Management of Unawareness10. Communication Issues III. Interventions for Behavioral, Emotional, and Psychosocial Concerns11. Managing Challenging Behaviors12. Management of Depression and Anxiety13. Working Collaboratively with Families IV. Working with Special Populations14. Rehabilitation Strategies of Children with Acquired Cognitive Impairments15. Management Strategies for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Об авторе
Mc Kay Moore Sohlberg, Ph D, is a nationally recognized leader in the field of traumatic brain injury rehabilitation. For the past 16 years she has worked as a clinician, researcher, and administrator in the development of programs to assist individuals with brain injury to reintegrate into the community at maximal levels of independence. She has published numerous articles, chapters, and manuals on managing cognitive impairments following neurogenic insult. Dr. Sohlberg is currently an associate professor in the Communication Disorders and Sciences program at the University of Oregon.Catherine A. Mateer, Ph D, is a board-certified clinical neuropsychologist with an extensive background in clinical assessment, clinical intervention, and both basic and applied research. She has published over 75 articles and book chapters and two previous books relating to brain organization for language, memory, and praxis, as well as to the assessment and management of acquired disorders of attention, memory, and executive functions. Dr. Mateer is widely known for her pioneering work in the rehabilitation of individuals who have sustained traumatic brain injury. She is currently a professor in the Department of Psychology and the Director of the Graduate Program in Clinical Psychology at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada.