The book of Jonah was written by Jonah in Palestine in about 853–824 BC. The book is a story of a biased Jew who preached and converted the whole city of Nineveh after being chastened by the Lord for his disobedience. The purpose of the book was to show why Nineveh was destroyed and the Assyrian Empire was delayed by God for almost a century; to show that God’s mercy and salvation are for both Jews and Gentiles who repent and turn to him; and to illustrate the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
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Melissa J. Weeks-Richardson is the daughter of Richard and Lillie M. Weeks. Mrs. Richardson is married to elder Willie M. Richardson Jr. She has one step-daughter. She has two brothers, and two sisters, and many nieces and nephews. In her spare time, she loves to read, write, cook, fish, and spend a quiet time alone in the park.
Not only is she a world-renowned author but also a prophet and pastor and a woman after God’s own heart. She is the founder of The Refreshing Springs Kingdom Outreach Ministries in Sumter, South Carolina. She is known all over the world for her accurate prophecies.
She likes to watch ice skating, mudding, and bull-riding. Her favorite book is the Bible, and her favorite food is Chinese.