Melvin J. Oliver is a Supervisory Research Geneticist
with the United States Department of Agriculture»s
Agricultural Research Service and Adjunct Professor in the Division
of Plant Sciences at the University of Missouri.
Yi Li is Professor of Horticultural Plant Biotechnology
at the University of Connecticut and Director of the New England
Center for Invasive Plants.
3 Электронные книги Melvin J. Oliver
Melvin J. Oliver & Yi Li: Plant Gene Containment
Gene Containment provides a comprehensive look at genetically modified organisms and the strategies and implementation of key methods to gene containment. The book is divided into 5 parts: An Introdu …
Melvin J. Oliver & Yi Li: Plant Gene Containment
Gene Containment provides a comprehensive look at genetically modified organisms and the strategies and implementation of key methods to gene containment. The book is divided into 5 parts: An Introdu …
David J. Cove & Melvin J. Oliver: New Frontiers in Bryology
The mosses (Bryophatea, Musci) are a diverse and widely distributed group of land plants. Mosses are attractive experimental plants because they exhibit the traditional attributes of good model syste …