Available as a four fortnightly mini-programs or a full length e-book, this revolutionary 8-week Mindfulness program gives you the mental flexibility to manage your emotions, implementing cognitive therapy strategies to lower stress levels, anxiety and mental pressures, and achieve perfect balance.Weeks 7-8 focus on taking good care of yourself, using breathing space and choosing an action step that brings a sense of satisfaction, achievement and control.Living mindfully involves ...
Available as a four fortnightly mini-programs or a full length e-book, this revolutionary 8-week Mindfulness program gives you the mental flexibility to manage your emotions, implementing cognitive therapy strategies to lower stress levels, anxiety and mental pressures, and achieve perfect balance.Weeks 7-8 focus on taking good care of yourself, using breathing space and choosing an action step that brings a sense of satisfaction, achievement and control.Living mindfully involves acceptance and change in order to understand reactions. A key step to becoming self-aware is understanding stress and its effects on kindness and compassion. These last weeks will tie together the key ways to continue staying mindful and how to keep making progress for the rest of your life.Made up of a hybrid of the two most popular approaches to Mindfulness currently sweeping the world, Mindfulness: Weeks 1-2 helps establish crucial life skills, such as learning to control behavior and regulate the body’s natural processes with meditation, while also enhancing emotional intelligence, proven to be associated with efficiency, good social skills and an increase in self awareness.Start the journey today. Strengthen relationships with friends and family, reach your full personal and academic potential and detox, de-stress and de-clutter your mind with Weeks 1-2 of Mindfulness in Eight Weeks.