What can I do as a parent to help my child receive the best education in the public school? What proven strategies are available for an ordinary parent to use to help his/her child have greater success in the classroom? Does my child have a better chance in receiving a quality education if I am involved in his day to day education? The answers to these three questions are crucial for parents today if their child is to have success in the classroom and receive a quality education! BACK TO SCHOOL FOR PARENTS addresses each of these questions providing the parent who has limited or advanced education a useful tool to help the school-aged child have greater success in the public school.
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Michael D. Buford, B.A., M. Ed., received both degrees in Curriculum & Instruction from Texas A&M University in 1974 and 1979, respectively. With classroom teaching experiences at the elementary, intermediate, and secondary levels; administrative leadership at Central Office in Social Studies, Science, and Physical Education; mid-management experiences at the high school level; and supervision of student teachers at Texas A&M, Mr. Buford’s twenty-nine years of educational experience is reflected in the pages of his book, BACK TO SCHOOL FOR PARENTS. This book is the result of his labor over the pass three years to develop a tool to help parents better educate their children.