This work is updated version of the original ground-breaking Adam and Evolution. It not only heavily criticises neo-Darwinian orthodoxy in all its various fields but also provides a logical, alternative perspective to the question of life’s origin. Its premise is that matter (and therefore any biological vehicle) is a form of non-conscious energy but code is an expression of thought. Matter itself, having no reason, cannot produce codified information. Does a biological body, perhaps even the body of the universe itself, involve an immaterial part - codified instruction that makes it larger than the sum of its physical parts? Or is chance king? Although the universe appears to work by rules and to have been established in a very particular way, a materialist believes that this appearance of order is in fact unplanned. Its invisible framework of regulation must have occurred by chance and, since inception, individual objects and events occur by chance as well. Thus neo-Darwinism is a gospel accepted in the faith that, given enough time, chance could generate the miracle of life. Is this a rational belief? Let us take a look at these two radical differences of opinion, ones that affect us personally and deeply. This works is a harbinger of the philosophical framework called Natural Dialectic and links with books Science and the Soul, A Mutant Ape? The Origin of Man’s Descent and A Potted Grammar of Natural Dialectic.
Illustrations Introduction 1. Where are we from? Darwin’s View The New Darwinism What is Evolution? Is Evolution Scientifically Valid? 2. Two Pillars of Faith Mind and Matter Design More about Coding 3. Hierarchy Species and Types Analogies, Homologies and Cladistics 4. Deep in the Womb of Nature Haeckel Modern Alchemy The Cell Genes and Genesis 5. Sports, Survival and the Hone Sports What Do You See in an Eyeless Fly? Fits and Starts The Hone The Survival of ‘the Survival of the Fittest’? Fitting In A Perfect Fit A Fitting End 6. Monkey Business The Rising Son? Pithecanthropus Skullduggery Haroldcookii and the Scopes Monkey Trial 7. Seductive Trends How One Makes Two The Origins of Sexual Reproduction ‘Half sex’ Sex as a whole Sex and the single plant Animal sex Sexual permutations 8. Wrong from the Start — or Right? Growing out of the Past How Would You Have Done it? A Book Needs an Index Shaping up Developmental Biology The Long and Short of It 9. Genesis The Wrong Atmosphere Flies in the Soup Building up Chains Starter Motors DNA Heavenly Genes 10. Life’s Engine The Harvest of the Sun The Electrical Pump Energy Stores Glycolysis The Cash Dispenser Haemoglobin Red Blood and Green Leaves 11. All Systems Go Simplest of All The Life That Follows Death Hybrid Ascension All Together Now 12. Green Batteries Soft and Cool Where Did the Flowers Come from? The Birds and the Bees Odd Couples 13. Programs Typed in Dust The Fly on the Wall A Fishy Invertebrate Jaws Fins Eggs before Chickens If not in Eden…. 14. The Mammals Different but not Evolved Monsters of the Deep 15. Ordinary Exotica Sight Sound and Flight A Precision Instrument of Aerospace Helicopter in a Thimble 16. Time and Space Who’s Afraid of the Big Bang? Life is Unnatural Life the Unlikely Rock of Ages: Ages of Rock 17. Adam and Evolution Are You Above it? Essential Differences Between Man and Ape Bones of Contention Chimp or Pygmy? The Fount of Wisdom The Upshot Uniformitarian Geological Timetable Hominoid Classification Reference Uniformitarian Anthropoid Chronology Glossary Index Image Credits Bibliography Links
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