Well-known Australian presenter, speaker, podcaster, and advocate for equality, Michael Ray offers parents and caregivers a compassionately raw, honest, and often humourous take on parenting as he sees it.
Who Knew is packed with raw emotion as Michael’s words empower both genders to take responsibility for their children. Michael dispels many myths about fatherhood indicating —
‘Who knew this 52year old ex-bouncer’s most emotionally charged event to date, would be backstage at my 3yo daughter’s ballet concert, struggling to contain my nerves and completely failing to hold back my tears! Rather than fatherhood being limiting as it may appear from the outside, I’ve found fatherhood has given me the freedom to cast off the ego, façade and outdated gender expectations, and actually discover who I am as a person, as a man and most importantly as a parent.’
Who Knew celebrates modern-day dads in all its diversity. Michael openly discusses issues of mental health and gender equality and how men need to be held equally responsible for raising the next generation.