автор: Michael Yampolsky

M. Braverman is an expert in Theoretical Computer Science, particularly in applications of computability to Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems M. Yampolsky is an expert in Dynamical Systems, particularly in Holomorphic Dynamics and Renormalization Theory

2 Электронные книги Michael Yampolsky

Oscar E. Lanford III & Michael Yampolsky: Fixed Point of the Parabolic Renormalization Operator
This monograph grew out of the authors’ efforts to provide a natural geometric description for the class of maps invariant under parabolic renormalization and for the Inou-Shishikura fixed point itse …
Mark Braverman & Michael Yampolsky: Computability of Julia Sets
Among all computer-generated mathematical images, Julia sets of rational maps occupy one of the most prominent positions. Their beauty and complexity can be fascinating. They also hold a deep mathema …