Pierre Carreau is Professor Emeritus at the Department of Chemical Engineering at the École Polytechnique in Montreal. He is well known for developing the Carreau Fluid Model, and the Carreau Viscosity Model is now integrated into most flow simulation software packages for plastics processing.
4 Электронные книги Michel Vincent
Jean-François Agassant & Pierre Avenas: Polymer Processing
Engineering of polymers is not an easy exercise: with evolving technology, it often involves complex concepts and processes. This book is intended to provide the theoretical essentials: understanding …
Jean-François Agassant & Pierre Avenas: Polymer Processing
Engineering of polymers is not an easy exercise: with evolving technology, it often involves complex concepts and processes. This book is intended to provide the theoretical essentials: understanding …
Michel Vincent & Lars Amend: Der Verführungscode
Welcher Mann wäre nicht gern in der Lage, jede Frau, die ihm gefällt, locker anzusprechen und ein Date mit ihr zu verabreden. Dass es oft nicht klappt, liegt nicht an fehlender Attraktivität oder den …
Quaderni di Archeologia della Libya. n. 21, n.s. I
Quaderni di Archeologia della Libya Direttore scientifico Eugenio La Rocca Comitato scientifico Ahmed H. Y. Abdulkarim, Saleh Alasi al Agab, Matthias Bruno, Laura Buccino, Ahmed Buzaian, Savino Di Le …