Sound healing therapy is rapidly gaining recognition as an important complementary medicine modality; this ground-breaking book uniquely presents techniques, based upon Chinese medicine theory, for integrating the use of precision calibrated Ohm planetary tuning forks and acupuncture needles, to create a new modality, Vibrational Acupuncture™. The chapters include:
An overview of Quantum Music Theory™
Guidelines for using tuning forks with or without needles
Insights into our genetic imprint, the Eight Extraordinary meridians
Anti-exhaustion treatments for readers caught in an excessively busy and dissonant world
Treatments for saggy neck and temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ)
Treatments for balancing the twin hemispheres of the brain, and alchemically lacing the Three Jiaos
An introduction to vibrational remedies and more
An overview of the use of healing sound as a palliative to global technological addiction, and how it restores essential harmony to a world that is seriously out of balance
Об авторе
Mary Elizabeth Wakefield, L. Ac., M. S., M. M, is internationally acknowledged as a leading authority on facial acupuncture, who has published in leading acupuncture journals worldwide. She is a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist, Soundscapes practitioner, Zen Shiatsu and cranio-sacral therapist, a professional opera singer and flutist.Michel Angelo, M. F. A., C. T. M., is a professional operatic tenor, classical composer, pianist, astrologer, healer, Soundscapes practitioner, diviner and writer. He has taught music theory at the university level. His articles have been published in Oriental Medicine Journal, and various astrological magazines, including Dell Horoscope.