Patrick Onghena was born in Deurne (Belgium) on February 3, 1965. After obtaining his Master (1988) and Ph D degree (1994) in Psychology at KU Leuven, he became an Associate Professor in 1995 and Full Professor in 2004 at the same university, where he teaches methodology and statistics to majors in educational sciences and psychology. He is a visiting scholar at the University of Sydney and at the Universitat de Barcelona. His research interests include randomization, single-case experimental design, meta-analysis, and mixed methods research.
3 Электронные книги Mieke Heyvaert
Mieke Heyvaert & Karin Hannes: Using Mixed Methods Research Synthesis for Literature Reviews
This practical guide provides step-by-step instruction for conducting a mixed methods research synthesis (MMRS) that integrates both qualitative and quantitative evidence. The book progresses through …
Karin (KU Leuven—University of Leuven) Hannes & Mieke (KU Leuven—University of Leuven) Heyvaert: Using Mixed Methods Research Synthesis for Literature Reviews : The Mixed Methods Research Synthesis Approach
This practical guide provides step-by-step instruction for conducting a mixed methods research synthesis (MMRS) that integrates both qualitative and quantitative evidence. The book progresses through …