Dalibor Cepulo und Mirela Krešic, Universität Zagreb, Kroatien; Milan Hlavacka, Karls-Universität, Prag, Tschechische Republik; Ilse Reiter, Universität Wien, Österreich.
4 Электронные книги Milan Hlavacka
Banu Baybars: Framing Violence
Framing Violence: Conflicting Images, Identities, and Discourses explores many of the questions surrounding challenges in framing the rising violence across the globe and in its emerging, new forms. …
Dalibor Cepulo & Mirela Krešic: Croatian, Slovenian and Czech Constitutional Documents 1818–1849
The 38 Croatian, Slovenian and Czech constitutional documents reflect the development of the modern national movements of these Middle and South East European Slavic peoples and their political and c …
Milan Hlavacka & Vaclava Horcakova: Poverty, Charity and Social Welfare in Central Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Social policy, as executed in western civilization, is apparently at a crossroads, with "forgotten" contradictions between the rich and the poor having once again become topical. The curren …
Michael Pammer & Milan Hlavačka: ‘Die Heimstatt des Historikers sind die Archive.’
Diese Festschrift würdigt Lothar Höbelt als herausragenden österreichischen Historiker. Seine substantiellen Werke stechen aufgrund ihrer zeitlichen Breite (von der frühen Neuzeit bis in die Gegenwar …