This booklet is a manifesto in favour of a Muslim sociology focused on change and development, social justice/equity and multiculturalism. If Muslim sociology is based on interdisciplinarity and open research, it can represent an important force to struggle for human rights in Muslim countries.
In particular, Muslim sociology can be an important non-eurocentric force in the struggle against slavery in Mauritania, the last stronghold of the Muslim world where slavery is still practised. Muslim sociology can overcome the still existing dialectics between aboli-tionism and anti-abolitionism in Muslim communi-ties by showing how the core message of the Quran can be exclusively abolitionist.
By explaining different methods and approaches of Muslim sociology and by affirming the importance of opposing to positivism in sociology, the author Milena Rampoldi shows how microsociology and macrosociology must be integrated dynamically in order to deeply understand the relationships between master and slave and at the same time the institution of slavery based on racial discrimination, perpetuation of rape, and total reification of human beings who were born free. Muslim sociology is a discipline based on inclusion, promotion of knowledge/competence, respect and struggle for human rights.
Об авторе
Milena Rampoldi è nata nel 1973 a Bolzano, ha studiato teologia, pedagogia, filosofia e lingue e culture orientali in Italia per poi proseguire con il dottorato a Vienna sul tema della didattica coranica arabofona nell’area linguistica tedesca. Ha lavorato come insegnante di lingue straniere in Italia, Austria, Germania e nel mondo arabo. Da anni opera inoltre come traduttrice. Pone la sua professione al servizio della comunicazione interculturale e interreligiosa. I temi trattati nei suoi libri si riferiscono alla religione, cultura e storia islamica, al femminismo islamico e ai diritti umani. L’obiettivo che l’autrice persegue con i propri testi è il dialogo tra le culture e le religioni, in quanto ritiene che l’avvicinamento alla storia permetta di comprendere meglio anche il presente,