Provides important information from anatomy to pathophysiology and covers most neurological disorders that involve venous circulation. Venous circulation has not been extensively studied and we know relatively little about cerebral venous circulation. Venous circulation contributes to half of the brain circulation and about 70% of the blood in the brain is venous blood. Veins and venules play extremely important roles in brain circulation especially during pathologies such as brain edema, BBB disruption, elevation of intracranial pressure during and after ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke events, traumatic brain injury, neurodegerative disorders, in adults and newborns. Occlusion of veins or sinuses by thrombus, compression of veins and venules by tumor and edematous tissues, elevation of venous pressure during cranial hypertension, all lead to fatal insults such as venous infarction and hemorrhage.
Neurovascular Network as Future Therapeutic Targets.-
Animal Models of Venous Stroke.-
Imaging of cerebral veins in acute brain injury.-
Cerebral Venous Regulation.-
Cerebral venous collateral circulation.-
Cerebral Venous System in Acute and Chronic Brain Injuries.-
Cerebral venous system and implications in neurosurgeries.- Pediatric Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis: More Questions than Answers.- Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: A Venous Disease?.-
The role of veins in arteriovenous malformation and fistula, pathophysiology and treatment.-
Role of Cerebral Venous System in Hemorrhagic Stroke.- Role of Cerebral Venous System in Neurodegenerative Disorders.-
Role of Cerebral venous system
in traumatic brain injury.-
Involvement of cerebral venous system in ischemic stroke.- Spontaneous Thrombosis of the Main Draining Veins Revealing an Unruptured Brain Arteriovenous Malformation.-
Endovascular Treatment of Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis: A Literature Review.-
Functional Recovery after Cerebral Venous Thrombosis.-
Drug therapy of cerebral venous thrombosis.-
A Movement Toward Precision Medicine in Acute Brain Injury: The Role of the Cerebral Venous System.- Index.