‘Let’s begin with prayer.’ Whether spoken by a student, teacher, or principal, these words signal the beginning of the school day in many Catholic schools. The question is, what comes next? Let’s Begin With Prayer offers an eloquent and practical answer. 130 brief prayers specifically designed for use in Catholic junior and senior high schools are offered here, prayers that are grounded in the Catholic tradition while reflecting the concerns of today’s Catholic school community.
The prayers are divided into three sections. ‘Prayers for Holy Days and Holidays’ are for the days that regularly appear on our calendars, from saints’ days to national holidays. ‘Prayers for Special Days’ address special events in the school community. Here, you’ll find everything from a prayer ‘To Welcome New Students’ to a prayer ‘Before a Championship Game.’ Of special interest here is a section of prayers for difficult occasions, such as the death of a classmate. A third section, ‘Prayers for Ordinary Days, ‘ offers possibilities for the average day, which is the biggest part of school life. Included here are prayers for development of Christian character, prayers for specific groups within the school community, and prayers for larger world concerns.
A final section offers six full prayer services. These brief but meaningful services for occasions such as the beginning and end of the school year provide a way to gather students together for more focused attention to the spiritual dimension.
Let’s Begin With Prayer will be a welcome resource for anyone attempting to incorporate regular, meaningful prayer into the hubbub of Catholic school life in Catholic junior and senior high schools.
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Mitch Finley is the author of more than 30 books on themes of interest to Catholic readers, including It’s Not the Same Without You: Coming Home to the Catholic Church, The Rosary Handbook, and Key Moments in Church History. He earned a B.A. in Religious Studies from Santa Clara University and an M.A. in Theology from Marquette University. To learn more visit www.mitchandkathyfinley.com.