автор: Moira Savage

Moira Savage entered the education profession in 1994 as a primary school teacher and became increasingly involved in ICT staff development culminating in joining the University of Worcester in 2003. In 2011 she was awarded a University of Worcester Teaching Fellowship. Her current roles include Senior Lecturer in Initial Teacher Training, Primary ICT and Computing Subject Leader and Institute of Education e Learning Coordinator. She leads a team delivering ICT and Computing education to large cohorts of students on Primary PGCE and BA QTS courses.

2 Электронные книги Moira Savage

Moira Savage: Digital Literacy for Primary Teachers
The educational landscape for primary teachers and learners is increasingly digital and technology rich, making it a challenge for professionals to decide which digital technologies to use, how and w …
Moira Savage & Anthony Barnett: Technology-enhanced Learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage
Discussing learning technologies in relation to young children often provokes a wide range of passionate responses, from sceptics to enthusiasts. This text explores the issues in a holistic, pedagogi …