Jonathan Spangler is the Director of the South China Sea Think Tank and President of the Asia-Pacific Policy Research Association. His research focuses on Asia-Pacific regional security, maritime territorial disputes, and cross-strait relations, with an emphasis on the effects of actor involvement on trends of escalation and de-escalation in the South China Sea.
Dean Karalekas is the Co-founder and Associate Editor of Strategic Vision for Taiwan Security, published by the Taiwan Center for Security Studies and the ROC’s National Defense University. His research focuses on emergency and disaster management and civil–military relations. He spent several years as a journalist, educator, and immigration consultant in East Asia.
Moises Lopesde Souza is a Researcher in Asia Studies at the International Relations Research Center of the University of São Paulo and an Associate Researcher at the Center of Latin-America Economy and Trade Studies at Chihlee Institute of Technology, Taipei. His research focuses on Chinese foreign policy and maritime territorial disputes in East Asia.
1 Электронные книги Moises Lopes de Souza
Jonathan Spangler & Dean Karalekas: Enterprises, Localities, People, and Policy in the South China Sea
This volume takes readers beneath the surface of the South China Sea by exploring critical but under-researched issues related to the maritime territorial disputes. It draws attention to the importan …