автор: Monash University, Australia) Trotter Chris (Department of Social Work


2 Электронные книги Monash University, Australia) Trotter Chris (Department of Social Work

Hannah (University of Stirling, UK) Graham & Fergus (University of Glasgow, UK) McNeill: The Routledge Companion to Rehabilitative Work in Criminal Justice
All the world’s criminal justice systems need to undertake direct work with people who have come into their care or are under their supervision as a result of criminal offences. Typically, this is or …
Hannah (University of Stirling, UK) Graham & Fergus (University of Glasgow, UK) McNeill: The Routledge Companion to Rehabilitative Work in Criminal Justice
All the world’s criminal justice systems need to undertake direct work with people who have come into their care or are under their supervision as a result of criminal offences. Typically, this is or …