The definitive resource for electroplating, now completely up to date
With advances in information-age technologies, the field of electroplating has seen dramatic growth in the decade since the previous edition of Modern Electroplating was published. This expanded new edition addresses these developments, providing a comprehensive, one-stop reference to the latest methods and applications of electroplating of metals, alloys, semiconductors, and conductive polymers.
With special emphasis on electroplating and electrochemical plating in nanotechnologies, data storage, and medical applications, the Fifth Edition boasts vast amounts of new and revised material, unmatched in breadth and depth by any other book on the subject. It includes:
- Easily accessible, self-contained contributions by over thirty experts
- Five completely new chapters and hundreds of additional pages
- A cutting-edge look at applications in nanoelectronics
- Coverage of the formation of nanoclusters and quantum dots using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM)
- An important discussion of the physical properties of metal thin films
- Chapters devoted to methods, tools, control, and environmental issues
- And much more
A must-have for anyone in electroplating, including technicians, platers, plating researchers, and metal finishers, Modern Electroplating, Fifth Edition is also an excellent reference for electrical engineers and researchers in the automotive, data storage, and medical industries.
Preface vii
Preface to the Fourth Edition ix
Contributors xi
Conversion Factors xiii
Graphical Conversions xv
The Electrochemical Society Series xvii
1 Fundamental Considerations 1
Milan Paunovic, Mordechay Schlesinger, and Dexter D. Snyder
2 Electrodeposition of Copper 33
Jack W. Dini and Dexter D. Snyder
3 Electrodeposition of Nickel 79
George A. Di Bari
4 Electrodeposition of Gold 115
Paul A. Kohl
5 Electroless and Electrodeposition of Silver 131
Mordechay Schlesinger
6 Tin and Tin Alloys for Lead-Free Solder 139
Yun Zhang
7 Electrodeposition of Chromium 205
Nenad V. Mandich and Donald L. Snyder
8 Electrodeposition of Lead and Lead Alloys 249
Manfred Jordan
9 Electrodeposition of Tin–Lead Alloys 265
Manfred Jordan
10 Electrodeposition of Zinc and Zinc Alloys 285
René Winand
11 Electrodeposition of Iron and Iron Alloys 309
Masanobu Izaki
12 Palladium Electroplating 327
Joseph A. Abys
13 Electrochemical Deposition Process for ULSI Interconnection Devices 369
Tetsuya Osaka and Masahiro Yoshino
14 Electrodeposition of Semiconductors 383
T. E. Schlesinger, Krishnan Rajeshwar, and Norma R. De Tacconi
15 Deposition on Nonconductors 413
Mordechay Schlesinger
16 Conductive Polymers: Electroplating of Organic Films 421
Tetsuya Osaka, Shinichi Komaba, and Toshiyuki Momma
17 Electroless Deposition of Copper 433
Milan Paunovic
18 Electroless Deposition of Nickel 447
Mordechay Schlesinger
19 Electrochemical Synthesis of Metal Alloys for Magnetic Recording Systems 459
Atsushi Sugiyama, Masahiro Yoshino, Takuma Hachisu, and Tetsuya Osaka
20 Electroless Deposition of Palladium and Platinum 477
Izumi Ohno
21 Electroless Deposition of Gold 483
Yutaka Okinaka and Masaru Kato
22 Electroless Deposition of Alloys 499
Izumi Ohno
23 Preparation for Deposition 507
Dexter D. Snyder
24 Manufacturing Tools 513
Tom Ritzdorf
25 Monitoring and Control 527
Tom Ritzdorf
26 Environmental Aspects of Electrodeposition 555
Micha Tomkiewicz
27 Applications to Magnetic Recording and Microelectronic Technologies 573
Stanko R. Brankovic, Natasa Vasiljevic, and Nikolay Dimitrov
28 Microelectromechanical Systems 617
Giovanni Zangari
29 Analysis of Electroplated Films Using Dual-Beam FIB/SEM and TEM Techniques 637
Xianying Meng-Burany
30 Ionic Liquid Treatments for Enhanced Corrosion Resistance of Magnesium-Based Substrates 665
Robert Petro, Mordechay Schlesinger, and Guang-Ling Song
Appendix 687
Index 701
Об авторе
MORDECHAY SCHLESINGER, Ph D, is a professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada. He has published over 120 research papers, holds four patents, and has served as associate editor for the Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, and as coeditor of the Canadian Journal of Physics. Schlesinger is coauthor, with Milan Paunovic, of the first and second editions of Fundamentals of Electrochemical Deposition and the previous edition of Modern Electroplating (both by Wiley).
MILAN PAUNOVIC, Ph D, had, until his recent retirement, worked on electrochemical metal deposition for over four decades, most recently in the Electrodeposition Technology Department at IBM’s T. J. Watson Research Center, and previously at the University of Pennsylvania, Reynolds Metals, Kollmorgen, and Intel. In addition to coauthoring, with Mordechay Schlesinger, the first and second editions of Fundamentals of Electrochemical Deposition and the previous edition of Modern Electroplating, Dr. Paunovic has edited symposia proceedings for The Electrochemical Society, published forty-one research papers, and holds seven patents.