Nadia Dario is a Postdoc at the ASLAN lab at CNRS, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Université Lyon 2. She has a Ph.D in Philosophy and Science of Education from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and has worked with Lab Red “Laboratorio di Ricerca Educativa e Didattica” in Ca’ Foscari University and has written on “FORMAZIONE & INSEGNAMENTO. European Journal of Research on Education and Teaching”. Her previous research interests were time estimation (prospective memory), emotions and decision making, taking into account the implications in learning-teaching contexts. She has also worked on didactics for competences and her training was centered on General Pedagogy and Psychology of Education. Her research interests are generative processes for developing praxis and research on education. Presently, she is concentrating her research on mind-wandering and visual-marginalia. She is collaborating with Center of Excellence, IBEF (Ideas for the Basic Education of the Future — International Network on Innovative Learning, Teaching Environments and Practices) and GRIS (Gruppo di Ricerca sulle Interazioni Sociali — Laboratorio di Psicologia “Giovanni Abignente”) with Professors Giuseppina Marsico and Luca Tateo.
Luca Tateo is Professor of Theory, Epistemology and Methodology of Qualitative Research at the Department of Special Needs Education. University of Oslo, Norway. He His research interests are the study of imagination as higher psychological function, the cultural psychology of education, and the epistemology and history of psychological sciences in order to reflect upon the future trends of psychological research and related methodological issues. He is editor in chief of the book series “Innovations in qualitative research”, IAP and co-editor in chief of the peer-reviewed journal “Human Arenas. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Psychology, Culture, and Meaning”, Springer.
1 Электронные книги Nadia Dario
Nadia Dario & Luca Tateo: New Perspectives on Mind-Wandering
In the last decade, a great variety and volume of scholarly work has appeared on mind-wandering, a mental process involving a vast range of human life, connected with “first-person perspective” and “ …