автор: Nadja Kabisch

Nadja Kabisch (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ; German Centre of Integrative Biodiversity Research (i Div) Leipzig-Halle-Jena; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) Dr. Nadja Kabisch holds a Ph D and a Diploma in Human Geography from the Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, and is a senior researcher at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in the Department of Geography, Landscape Ecology Lab. Nadja has been working in the project “Biodiversity and Climate Change“ (Bio Clim) with the German Federal Agency of Nature Conservation, the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ and the German Centre of Integrative Biodiversity Research (i Div) Leipzig-Halle-Jena. Nadja has worked in the EU project GREEN SURGE and the Biodiv ERs A projects URBES and ENABLE. She has wide expertise in nature-based solutions, and ecosystem services of urban green spaces across European cities.    Horst Korn (German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation) Dr. Horst Korn holds two doctoral degrees. He has studied and worked in economy and ecology in Germany, the U.S., South Africa and Canada. He taught Wildlife Management and Conservation at the National University of Costa Rica, before becoming the Head of the Biodiversity unit and the Chair of the Centre of Competence for Biodiversity and Climate Change at the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. His special interest lies in the application of holistic approaches to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and the further development and application of science-policy interfaces.   Jutta Stadler (German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation) Jutta Stadler has been working as a scientific officer in the Biodiversity Unit of the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (Bf N) since 1997. She organized a number of workshops and conferences about the topics nature conservation, climate change and biodiversity at the International Academy for Nature Conservation, Isle of Vilm and in Bonn/Germany. Jutta Stadler regulary participated in meetings of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) as a member of the German delegation. She holds a degree as Master of Science in “biology – focus area: nature conservation” from the University of Hamburg.   Aletta Bonn (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ; German Centre of Integrative Biodiversity Research (i Div) Leipzig-Halle-Jena; Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena) Prof. Aletta Bonn is heat of the Department Ecosystem Services at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ and leads the Ecosystem Services research lab within the German Centre of Integrative Biodiversity Research (i Div) Leipzig-Halle-Jena. With a working background at the science-policy interface in the UK and in Germany, her research focusses on Ecosystem Services, participatory conservation and global change with a special interest in citizen science.

3 Электронные книги Nadja Kabisch

Aletta Bonn & Nadja Kabisch: Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Areas
This open access book brings together research findings and experiences from science, policy and practice to highlight and debate the importance of nature-based solutions to climate change adaptation …
Nadja Kabisch & Neele Larondelle: Human-Environmental Interactions in Cities
This book addresses international research communities concerned with conceptual, scientific, and design approaches to urban land developments and biodiversity. The main focus is on the understanding …
Niki Frantzeskaki & Nadja Kabisch: Nature-Based Solutions for Cities
Nature-based solutions (NBS) are increasingly being adopted to address climate change, health, and urban sustainability, yet ensuring they are effective and inclusive remains a challenge. Addressing …