Dagmar Caganova is an Assoc. Prof. in Industrial Management acts as Representative for Foreign Affairs at the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Management at the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava, the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Slovakia. She is also the co — founder of the European Alliance for Innovation in Slovakia, management committee member of E-COST (European Collaboration in Science and Technology) TN 1301 Sci Generation, the executive committee member in Danubius Academic Consortium (academic network for Integral Innovation), steering committee member of Danube strategy PA 7 Knowledge society- science, research, innovation and ICT for the Slovak Republic. Her professional interests and research topics are mainly focused on Human Resource Management, Intercultural, Knowledge and Innovation Management, Mobility and Smart Cities, Gender Diversity. She is the organizer of many domesticand international conferences, acts as tutor on Ph D study programs and has participated in numerous domestic and international projects as team member and as the project head. To date she has published more than 250 publications and more than 100 from this number are registered in databases WOS and SCOPUS, four papers are published in impact factor current content journals. She has over 300 citations, 140 of them in quotation databases WOS and SCOPUS. D. Caganova works also as Co-Editor in EAI Endorsed Transactions, as well as Chief Editor of Special Issue of Springer Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) Journal.
M.A. Natalia Hornakova, Ph.D. works as an assistant professor at the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Management at the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava, the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia. N. Hornakova received a doctorate degree at the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Management in the study brunch Industrial Management. She is concerned with the issue of Business Logistics, Industrial Engineering and Management, Innovation Management and Managerial Competencies. She has been a member of the team of several home and foreign projects. In the period 2014/2015 she was an active member of the student part of the Academic Senate MTF STU and member of organizing committees of various conferences.
4 Электронные книги Natália Horňáková
Dagmar Cagáňová & Natália Horňáková: Mobility Internet of Things 2018
The scientific monograph Mobility Io T deals with innovative technologies influencing industry and connectivity sectors in the future industrial, urban, social and sustainable developm …
Dagmar Cagáňová & Natália Horňáková: Advances in Industrial Internet of Things, Engineering and Management
This book presents the trends, challenges, and advances in Internet of Things (Io T) in the areas of industrial management and industrial engineering. The authors look at how smart environments (smar …
Dagmar Cagáňová & Natália Horňáková: Industry 4.0 Challenges in Smart Cities
This book discusses the next level of innovative technologies influencing sectors in industry and their future in industrial, urban and sustainable development. The authors provide a platform for a d …
Dagmar Cagáňová & Michal Cehlár: Smart Cities: Importance of Management and Innovations for Sustainable Development
This book features contributions focusing on innovative technologies influencing industry and connectivity sectors in industrial, urban, social and sustainable development. The contributions cover ma …