автор: Natalie Phillips

Kate Parker is assistant professor of English at University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. Her article on Sade appeared in Eighteenth-Century Fiction. She is writing a book that explores how affective communities impact literary representations of selfhood in eighteenth-century Britain and France. Courtney Weiss Smith is assistant professor of English at Wesleyan University. She is the author of articles on eighteenth-century literature and culture that have appeared in Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation and SEL. Her current book project focuses on relationships between literature, religion and science in early eighteenth-century England.

4 Электронные книги Natalie Phillips

Kate Parker & Courtney Weiss Smith: Eighteenth-Century Poetry and the Rise of the Novel Reconsidered
Eighteenth-Century Poetry and the Rise of the Novel Reconsidered beginswith the brute fact that poetry jostledup alongside novels in the bookstallsof eighteenth-century England. Indeed, by exploringu …
Thomas (Chief Editor, Avid Technology, MA, USA) Ohanian & Natalie Phillips: Digital Filmmaking
Digital Filmmaking has been called the bible for professional filmmakers in the digital age. It details all of the procedural, creative, and technical aspects of pre-production, production, and post- …
Thomas (Chief Editor, Avid Technology, MA, USA) Ohanian & Natalie Phillips: Digital Filmmaking
Digital Filmmaking has been called the bible for professional filmmakers in the digital age. It details all of the procedural, creative, and technical aspects of pre-production, production, and post- …
David Theo Goldberg & Patrik Svensson: Between Humanities and the Digital
Scholars from a range of disciplines offer an expansive vision of the intersections between new information technologies and the humanities.Between Humanities and the Digital offers an expansive visi …