автор: Neil S. Berman

Neil S. Berman: Neil S. Berman has been an expertnumismatist and professional rare coin dealer since 1968. Comingback to the United States from Israel at the end of 1967, heapprenticed to the world-renowned Dutch numismatist and coinauctioneer Hans M. F. Schulman. He incorporated as Neil S. Berman, Inc., in 1968. In 1974, Neil became an associate of Metropolitan Rare Coin Company of New York. For the next several years, herepresented Arthur and Donald Kagin of Des Moines, Iowa, then thelargest coin dealer in the Midwest, as a purchasing agent. Later herepresented Superior Galleries under the Goldbergs, also as apurchasing agent. In 1979, Neil, with his brother Jed, founded First Federal Coin Company, the first East Coast coin company tosell rare coins into IRA, Keogh, and pension plans. From 1983 until1990, he was the purchasing agent for Asset Services, Inc., thelargest coin company serving the financial community. Neil donatedhis large collection of German and Swiss silver minor coins to the American Numismatic Society (ANS) in 1989. In 1997, he received the American Numismatic Association (ANA) Service Award from ANAPresident David Ganz. In 2005 and 2006, he was associated againwith Superior Galleries of Beverly Hills, this time under theownership of numismatist Silvano Di Genova. Neil catalogued the U.S. gold in the 1977 Kagin»s ANA Coin Auction Sale, the first New York coin auction sale in 1981 of Spinkand Sons, England»s oldest and largest coin dealer, and acoin auction sale by Superior Rare Coin Galleries of Beverly Hillsin 2006. Neil has been published in Barron»s, Trusts & Estates, The National Law Journal, The Financial Planner, Pensions World, and Executive Jeweler. In 1987, he wrote, with Hans Schulman, The Investor»s Guide to United States Coins, which sold 40, 000 copies and received a Numismatic Literary Guild award for Best Investment Book. In 2007, he wrotethe second edition of the book with Silvano Di Genova. Neil has justcompleted a book on rare coin auctions. Ron Guth: Ron Guth is a jack-of-all-trades and master ofone — numismatics. Ron is a certified public accountant(CPA), a licensed auctioneer, and a writer, but the bulk of histime is spent on his true love — coin collecting and dealing.Ron»s battle with coin fever began when he was 12 years old, and he»s never gotten over it. After a decade of collecting, Ron went professional in 1976, when he began working for a localcoin shop in Tampa, Florida. In 1978, he partnered with David Goldsmith and purchased the Bay Area Coin Exchange in Tampa. Ronand Dave blasted through the silver boom, and then split up in1981, when Ron moved to Evansville, Indiana (his wife»shometown), where he set up shop on First Avenue. In 1984, Ronformed Mid-American Rare Coin Auctions with Jeff Garrett of Lexington, Kentucky. The company quickly established itself as aninnovative leader in the industry and, within the first year, became the fifth largest rare coin auction company in America. In1988, Ron sold his interest in the company, went back to school tofinish his bachelor»s degree in accounting and finance, andhas since become a numismatic consultant and a major dealer in German coins. In 1984, Ron won the American Numismatic Association»s Wayteand Olga Raymond and Heath Literary awards. He has written manycoin-related articles and is listed as a contributor to severalbooks, including Walter Breen»s Encyclopedia of United States Coins, Krause Publications»s Standard Catalogof German Coins, Roger S. Cohen»s American Half Cents, Walter Breen»s Encyclopedia of United States Half Cents, and others. Ron has served as a numismatic consultant for manyrare-coin companies, including major firms such as the Professional Coin Grading Services, Heritage Numismatic Auctions, and Early American History Auctions.

4 Электронные книги Neil S. Berman

Neil S. Berman & Ron Guth: Coin Collecting For Dummies
The perfect resource for coin collectors of all ages! Can’t make heads or tails out of coin collecting? You need Coin Collecting For Dummies, 2nd Edition, the treasure trove on information on numisma …
Neil S. Berman & Ron Guth: Coin Collecting For Dummies
The perfect resource for coin collectors of all ages! Can’t make heads or tails out of coin collecting? You need Coin Collecting For Dummies, 2nd Edition, the treasure trove on information on numisma …
Neil S. Berman: Coin Collecting For Dummies
Discover a new hobby—or refine your existing techniques—with this practical coin collecting handbook In Coin Collecting For Dummies, professional rare coin dealer Neil Berman delivers a hands-on an …
Neil S. Berman: Coin Collecting For Dummies
Discover a new hobby—or refine your existing techniques—with this practical coin collecting handbook In Coin Collecting For Dummies, professional rare coin dealer Neil Berman delivers a hands-on an …