4 Электронные книги Nenad Trinajstic
Kexiang Xu & Kinkar Ch. Das: The Harary Index of a Graph
This is the first book to focus on the topological index, the Harary index, of a graph, including its mathematical properties, chemical applications and some related and attractive open problems. Thi …
Nenad Trinajstic: Chemical Graph Theory
New Edition! Completely Revised and Updated Chemical Graph Theory, 2nd Edition is a completely revised and updated edition of a highly regarded book that has been widely used since its publication in …
Nenad Trinajstic: Chemical Graph Theory
New Edition! Completely Revised and Updated Chemical Graph Theory, 2nd Edition is a completely revised and updated edition of a highly regarded book that has been widely used since its publication in …
Dusanka (University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia) Janezic & Ante Milicevic: Graph-Theoretical Matrices in Chemistry
Graph-Theoretical Matrices in Chemistry presents a systematic survey of graph-theoretical matrices and highlights their potential uses. This comprehensive volume is an updated, extended version of a …