Meeting the challenges of high-performance HR
Until 1760 ships routinely disappeared, ran aground, or sank
because seafarers could not measure longitude. The cost in life and
property was immense. Today, business faces a similar challenge, as
the failure to measure human resources performance is just as
costly and deadly to modern organizations.
Senior executives once considered HR a ‘soft, ‘ unavoidable cost of
doing business, responsible for compensation, employee
transactions, company functions, workforce problems, and legal
issues. Three factors changed this perception: the significant
impact of high-performance HR, the implications of poorly
performing HR, and soaring HR operating expenses. These factors
have led to an increased demand and focus on HR metrics.
Ultimate Performance approaches this challenge by providing clear,
proven measurement solutions that will optimize the performance of
people and businesses.
Preface vii
Introduction ix
CHAPTER 1 Imperatives of Metrics 1
CHAPTER 2 A Path to Alignment 15
CHAPTER 3 Supporting Human Capital Decision Making 23
CHAPTER 4 Employee Assets and Contribution 35
CHAPTER 5 Employee Contribution to Risk 47
CHAPTER 6 The Employee Lifecycle—A Metrics Roadmap from the C-Level 59
CHAPTER 7 Missions, Objectives, and Metrics 71
CHAPTER 8 Measuring Staffing—A Better Approach to Hiring Metrics 93
CHAPTER 9 Beyond Hiring—Metrics for Employee Development and Retention 113
CHAPTER 10 Succession Planning and Internal Mobility 141
CHAPTER 11 Current Measurement Practices—Lessons from the Field 169
CHAPTER 12 Case Studies—Metrics in Action 189
CHAPTER 13 Human Capital and Organizational Performance 207
CHAPTER 14 HR Outsourcing and Metrics 221
CHAPTER 15A Practical Guide to Building Your Ultimate Dashboard 235
Conclusion 253
References 259
About the Contributing Authors 263
Index 267
Об авторе
Nicholas C. Burkholder is the Managing Director and Chair of
On Performance, Inc. and founder of He is actively
engaged in the development and application of performance
frameworks which enable organizations to achieve optimum results.
Scott Golas applies insight and realism shaped over
twenty years in HR and outsourcing to demystify the rapidly
evolving business of HR and workforce issues.
Jeremy Shapiro is a Vice President at Bernard Hodes
Group’s Hodes i Q, bringing next-generation talent acquisition and
technology solutions to HR management across the world.