The Sophia Centre Press presents an anthology comprised of a selection of papers from the ‘Astrologies’ conference, organised by the Sophia Centre, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, and held in Bath on 24-25 July 2010. The broad range of topics explored in these papers reflects the impressive diversity of techniques and underlying philosophies infusing an enduring human perception of meaningful relationships between the heavenly bodies and life on earth.
The papers are grouped into three basic themes: the symbolism of astrologies, the history of astrologies within different cultural contexts, and the practice of various astrologies from both ‘insider’ and ‘outsider’ perspectives. Although astrology has been treated in many scholarly works as a monolithic entity, all of the papers in this book demonstrate one of the paradoxes of astrological thought and practice: the existence of a relatively stable tradition of cosmological and astral representations and ideas combined with an adaptability that has enabled astrologies to meld with different spheres of human endeavour in a variety of cultures.
Contributors include: Bernadette Brady, Nicholas Campion, Robert Collis, Martin Gansten, Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, Liz Greene, Darrelyn Gunzburg, Robert Hand, Jay Johnston and Garry Phillipson.
Introduction: Astrologies: Plurality and Diversity
Nicholas Campion and Liz Greene
Signs, Signatures, and Symbols: The Language of Heaven
Liz Greene
The Horoscope as an imago mundi: Rethinking the Nature of the Astrologer’s Map
Bernadette Brady
The Philosophy of William James as a Context for Astrology
Garry Phillipson
John Partridge—One of the Founders of Modern Astrology?
Robert Hand
Placidean Teachings in Early Nineteenth-Century Britain: John Worsdale and Thomas Oxley
Martin Gansten
Using the Stars: Astrology at the Court of Peter the Great
Robert Collis
Stonehenge to the Sphinx: Esoteric Theory and Practice in Twentieth-Century Astroarchaeology
Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
How Do Astrologers Read Charts?
Darrelyn Gunzburg
Reading the Body Invisible: Subtle Bodies, Astrology, and Energetic Healing
Jay Johnston
Astrology’s Place in Historical Periodisation: Modern, Premodern or Postmodern?
Nicholas Campion