Dr Nicola Brunswick is Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Middlesex University. She researches in the areas of reading and developmental dyslexia, and is author of A Beginner»s Guide to Dyslexia (2009) and Living with Dyslexia (2011), and the editor of The Dyslexia Handbook 2009/2010 (2009). She also co-edited Reading and Dyslexia in Different Orthographies (with S. Mc Dougall & P. de Mornay Davies, 2010), and is a trustee of the British Dyslexia Association.
6 Электронные книги Nicola Brunswick
Nicola Brunswick: Supporting Dyslexic Adults in Higher Education and the Workplace
Supporting Dyslexic Adults provides practical advice in supporting dyslexic adults in education and employment, and guidance on the latest research * Provides an important overview of current researc …
Nicola Brunswick: Supporting Dyslexic Adults in Higher Education and the Workplace
Supporting Dyslexic Adults provides practical advice in supporting dyslexic adults in education and employment, and guidance on the latest research * Provides an important overview of current researc …
Nicola Brunswick: Dyslexia
The perfect first port of call for anyone concerned about dyslexia.Winston Churchill, Andy Warhol, Walt Disney, Tom Cruise, Agatha Christie, Pablo Picasso are all famous and successful in their chose …
Nicola Brunswick & Paul de Mornay Davies: Reading and Dyslexia in Different Orthographies
This text provides a unique and accessible insight into current research in different orthographies. It presents cross-language comparisons to provide insights into universal aspects of reading devel …
Nicola (School of Health and Social Sciences, Middlesex University) Brunswick & Sine McDougall: Reading and Dyslexia in Different Orthographies
This book provides a unique and accessible account of current research on reading and dyslexia in different orthographies. While most research has been conducted in English, this text presents cross- …
Nicola (School of Health and Social Sciences, Middlesex University) Brunswick & Sine McDougall: Reading and Dyslexia in Different Orthographies
This book provides a unique and accessible account of current research on reading and dyslexia in different orthographies. While most research has been conducted in English, this text presents cross- …