Andreas Umland, M.Phil. (Oxford), Dr.Phil. (FU Berlin), Ph.D. (Cambridge), Research Fellow at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs in Stockholm, Senior Expert at the Ukrainian Institute for the Future in Kyiv, and Associate Professor at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.
3 Электронные книги Nikolaus von Twickel
Nikolaus von Twickel & Thomas de Waal: Beyond Frozen Conflict
The five unresolved separatist conflicts of the post-Soviet space in Eastern Europe are the biggest risk to Europe’s stability and security. Four of these Abkhazia, South Ossetia in Georgia, Transnis …
Marieluise Beck: Ukraine verstehen
Der Ruf des Maidan nach Recht und Freiheit rückte die Ukraine in das öffentliche Bewusstsein Deutschlands. Das Land, das in seiner Geschichte nur für einen Wimpernschlag seine nationale Eigenständigk …
Marieluise Beck: Understanding Ukraine
The 2013–2014 Euromaidan Revolution’s call for justice, dignity, and liberty brought Ukraine, which had ’disappeared ’ behind the Iron Curtain for decades after the horrors of World War II, into the …