Kata Csizér and Nóra Németh are L2 researchers and teacher trainers at the Department of English Applied Linguistics, Eötvös University, Budapest. They have published academic papers for Hungarian and international journals, including Language Teaching Research, Language Learning, The Journal of Language and Social Psychology, The Modern Language Journal and Applied Linguistics.
2 Электронные книги Nora Nemeth
Zoltán Dörnyei & Kata Csizér: Motivation, Language Attitudes and Globalisation
This volume presents the results of the largest ever language attitude/motivation survey in second language studies. The research team gathered data from over 13, 000 Hungarian language learners on t …
Kata Csizer & Zoltan Dornyei: Motivation, Language Attitudes and Globalisation
This volume presents the results of the largest ever language attitude/motivation survey in second language studies. The research team gathered data from over 13, 000 Hungarian language learners on t …