David Scott is Professor of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment at the Institute of Education, University of London, UK. He has previously published Researching Education and Education, Epistemology and Critical Realism.
Gwyneth Hughes is Senior Lecturer in Higher Education and former Director of Learning and Teaching at the Institute of Education, University of London, UK. She has recently published Ipsative Assessment.
Carol Evans is Associate Professor at the University of Exeter, UK, a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and President of the Education, Learning, Styles, Individual differences Network (ELSIN).
Penny Jane Burke is Professor of Education and Director of the Paulo Freire Institute-UK in the Centre for Higher Education and Equity Research (CHEER) at the University of Sussex, UK. She has previously published The Right to Higher Education: Beyond Widening Participation.
Catherine Walter is Lecturer in Applied Linguistics at the University of Oxford, UK.
David Watson is Principal of Green Templeton College and Professor of Higher Education at the University of Oxford, UK. He has prviously published A Question of Morale and The Engaged University.
4 Электронные книги P. Burke
D. Scott & G. Hughes: Learning Transitions in Higher Education
This book draws on a study of student transitions in higher education institutions to both unpack the concept of a learning transition and develop pedagogic strategies to enable learners to develop t …
Peter Burke: Renaissance
In this study Peter Burke distances himself from the traditional interpretation of the Renaissance as essentially Italian, self-consciously modern and easily separable from the Middle Ages. He emphas …
P. Burke: Atoms in Astrophysics
It is hard to appreciate but nevertheless true that Michael John Seaton, known internationally for the enthusiasm and skill with which he pursues his research in atomic physics and astrophysics, will …
P. Burke & J. van der Veken: Merleau-Ponty In Contemporary Perspectives
Merleau-Ponty in contemporary perspective: this was the theme of the conference at the Institute of Philosophy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (K. U. L. ) from 29 November to 1 December 1991. Thirty …