автор: P. Heynderickx

BERNA HENDRIKS is Assistant Professor of Business Communication at Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands GERLINDE MAUTNER is Professor and Director of the Institute for English Business Communication at WU (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien), the Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria BIRGITTA MEEX is a Lecturer of German in the Departments of Applied Language Studies and Business Studies at Lessius University College BIRTE PAWLACK is a Research Assistant in the Research Centre on Multilingualism at the University of Hamburg, Germany GIORGIA RIBONI is a doctoral candidate at the University of Milan, Italy CELIA ROBERTS is Professor of Applied Linguistics at King»s College, London, UK SARAH SCHEEPERS works as a Researcher in the Public Management Institute at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Catholic University Leuven, Belgium MARTINA TEMMERMAN teaches in and coordinates the master in journalism at the Erasmus University College in Brussels (associated with the Free University of Brussels), Belgium MARGOT VAN MULKEN is Professor of International Business Communication at Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands ELLEN VAN PRAET is Assistant Professor at University College Ghent and Postdoctoral Researcher at Ghent University, Belgium HEIDI VERPLAETSE is a Postdoctoral Research Assistant and English Lecturer at Lessius University College 

1 Электронные книги P. Heynderickx

K. Pelsmaekers & C. Rollo: Displaying Competence in Organizations
Competence encompasses or overlaps with notions of efficiency, success, accountability, excellence and self-justification. This collection explores ways in which individuals, teams or groups in organ …