Diego Garcia is a pivotal US base for all Middle East operations. This book describes its evolution from a secret US-UK bilateral deal in 1966 and the deportation of the native population in the 70s to its new role in Guantánamo-style ‘renditions’ and the impact of miltary construction on its environment.
Preface History: Empire’s Last-Born Colony Human Rights: How To Depopulate An Island Power Politics: Our Ocean Military Secrecy: Public Access Denied Nemesis: Natural Heritage Dredged – and Drowned Epilogue: The Lords’ Day Appendices
Об авторе
PETER H. SAND, formerly legal adviser for the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Bank, is a lecturer in International Environmental Law at the University of Munich, Germany. His earlier publications include
Lessons Learned in Global Environmental Governance (1990),
Transnational Environmental Law (1997), and over a hundred articles in international legal journals and collections. He has been visiting professor at Duke Law School and at the universities of Paris, Geneva, Addis Ababa, and Helsinki; and he served on the UN Security Council’s Compensation Commission for environmental claims arising from the 1991 Gulf War.