автор: Paige Hendricks

Christine Clark is professor, senior scholar, and founding vice president of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Kenneth J. Fasching-Varner is associate professor of literacy education at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Iesha Jackson is assistant professor of teacher education at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Norma A. Marrun is assistant professor and co-coordinator of the cultural studies, international education, and multicultural education (CSIEME) program at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Kerri J. Tobin is associate professor at the school of education at Louisiana State University.

2 Электронные книги Paige Hendricks

Christine Clark & Kenneth J. Fasching-Varner: Multicultural Curriculum Transformation in Social Studies and Civic Education
This book focuses on multicultural curriculum transformation in social students and civic education subject areas. The discussion of each area outlines critical considerations for multicultural curri …
Paige Hendricks & Frances R. Spielhagen: Catalysts for Change
Sixty decades of US history have witnessed tremendous and tumultuous societal changes, including educating our children. In response to President John F. Kennedy’s call to ‘;ask not, what their count …