автор: Paolo Tozzi

Dr Chila graduated in osteopathy in 1965. After 11 years in general practice he embarked on an academic career teaching first at Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine, and latterly at Ohio University, where he was Chairman of the Department of Family Medicine for 10 years.Dr Chila has been active as office holder in the American Osteopathic Association and other national groups, and was recognized as Educator of the Year by the American Osteopathic Foundation in 2013. His many writing and editorial activities include the executive editorship of the third edition of the standard textbook Foundations of Osteopathic Medicine.

3 Электронные книги Paolo Tozzi

Torsten Liem & Paolo Tozzi: Fascia in the Osteopathic Field
The book aims: To enable osteopaths — and other manual practitioners/bodyworkers — to understand the importance of fascia and its relevance to their work….. By providing a comprehensive textbook co …
Anthony Nevin & Christopher Colles: Animal Osteopathy
This is a comprehensive reference textbook for all those using osteopathic treatment techniques with animals or birds or studying to do so. The book is divided into sections: equine osteopathy; gener …
Giampiero Fusco & Ray Hruby: The Five Osteopathic Models
Far from being simply a sequence of techniques, as practised in many countries osteopathy is an independent primary health care system based on principles applied through a manual practice: a unique …