Dr. Jagdish Chandra Dagar is the former Assistant Director General of Agronomy and Agroforestry Division at Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan II Pusa New Delhi. His list of publication is mentioned below: Papers in Journal with NAAS Index >6 — 31 Papers in Journal with NAAS Index 3-6 — 27 Total number of Books authored — 03 Total number of Books edited — 03 Total Papers published in Peer-reviewed Journals – 125 Papers published in International Proceedings — 12 Papers published in National Proceedings — 13 Chapters contributed in Books – 29
1 Электронные книги Paramjit Minhas
Jagdish Chander Dagar & Paramjit Minhas: Agroforestry for the Management of Waterlogged Saline Soils and Poor-Quality Waters
Land degradation caused by salinity and waterlogging is a global problem afflicting about one billion hectares and endangering the food security of at least 75 countries. Since the social, economic a …