Suzanne Gordon is Visiting Professor at the University of Maryland School of Nursing and was program leader of the Robert Wood Johnson–funded Nurse Manager in Action Program. She is the author of Life Support and Nursing against the Odds, coauthor of Safety in Numbers and From Silence to Voice, editor of When Chicken Soup Isn’t Enough, and coeditor of First, Do Less Harm and The Complexities of Care, all from Cornell. Patrick Mendenhall is a Principal in Crew Resource Management LLC who is a pilot for a major commercial airline and belongs to the Air Line Pilots Association. Bonnie Blair O’Connor is Professor of Pediatrics (Clinical) and Associate Director, Pediatric Residency, at Hasbro Children’s Hospital/Alpert Medical School at Brown University.
2 Электронные книги Patrick Mendenhall
Suzanne Gordon & Patrick Mendenhall: Beyond the Checklist
The U.S. healthcare system is now spending many millions of dollars to improve ‘patient safety’ and ‘inter-professional practice.’ Nevertheless, an estimated 100, 000 patients still succumb to preven …
Suzanne Gordon & Patrick Mendenhall: Beyond the Checklist
The U.S. healthcare system is now spending many millions of dollars to improve "patient safety" and "inter-professional practice." Nevertheless, an estimated 100, 000 patients sti …