автор: Pauline Loygue

Khaldoun Al Agha is a professor at the University of Paris-Saclay, France, and an expert in telecommunications and networks. He is a co-founder of Green Communications. Pauline Loygue is chief marketing officer and director of product development at Green Communications. She is an expert in Edge and Io T innovation. Guy Pujolle is a co-founder and president of Green Communications. He is also professor emeritus at Sorbonne University, France.

2 Электронные книги Pauline Loygue

Khaldoun Al Agha & Pauline Loygue: Edge Networking
The Internet of Edges is a new paradigm whose objective is to keep data and processing close to the user. This book presents three different levels of Edge networking: MEC (Multi-access Edge Computin …
Khaldoun Al Agha & Pauline Loygue: Edge Networking
The Internet of Edges is a new paradigm whose objective is to keep data and processing close to the user. This book presents three different levels of Edge networking: MEC (Multi-access Edge Computin …