The best-selling business book in Brazil.
Have you ever looked in the mirror and not liked those few extra pounds? Ever watched your career moment with only frustration? Ever felt disconnected from your family and friends? If you think these
situations are normal, think again! Paulo Vieira invites you to break the vicious cycle and start on a path of accomplishment. For that, he introduces the method that was responsible
for impacting 250, 000 people throughout his career, and which could be the key to what you are looking for:
•Learn to make the right decisions
•Know how to get successful answers
•Reprogram your mind
•Develop new abilities
•Conquer the life you have always wanted in six months
•Increase your fi nancial and professional skills
There is no other option.
Rewriting your future is in your hands.
Об авторе
PAULO VIEIRA is an international writer and speaker. He has a Ph D in Management and a master’s degree in Coaching from Florida Christian University (FCU), in the United States, where he is
also a professor. He is one of the most renowned coaches in Brazil, having led over 10, 000 hours of sessions. Paulo Vieira is also the president of Febracis (Portuguese acronym that stands for Brazilian
Systemic Integral Coaching Federation) and creator of the CIS© Method and the Systemic Integral coaching methodology.