автор: Pedro Lozano

I obtained my Ph.D. degree in organic chemistry and materials science from the University Jaume I, Castellon (Spain). Over the past years as a result of my intensive research activity, I am co-author of 41 publications in per-reviewed International Chemistry Journals of the highest impact (such as Chem. Commun., Org. Lett., Adv. Synth. Catal., J. Org. Chem., Green Chem., Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res, etc…). In at least four of these publications, I appeared as a senior corresponding author, reflecting my research leadership. In addition, I have given 20 communications and 7 lectures in international conferences and Symposia. During my Ph.D. (1996-2001) I worked in the field of asymmetric synthesis and heterogeneous catalysis. I studied the role played by the support over the outcome of heterogeneous catalysed reaction. I have also worked in the synthesis of small-focused library of supported catalysts as a fast and easy tool for the development of more efficient asymmetric catalysts. I also developed methodologies based on FT-Raman as a simple tool for the fast monitoring of reactions on polymer and silica supported reagents and catalysts. After my Ph.D., I moved to work with one of the world leaders in supercritical fluid, Prof. M. Poliakoff, at the Clean Technology Group at Nottingham University. I was awarded with a very competitive individual Marie Curie Fellowship. During my stay in Nottingham, almost 4 years, I gained experience in a wide range of processes in supercritical water (SCW): reactor design, phase behaviour, oxidation reactions, and High Temperature High Pressure Spectroscopy, which were areas of knowledge completely new for me. Besides, I was involved in the training, mentoring and tutoring of 3 Ph D students, 3 research visitors and two project students. I was also directly involved in join collaboration academy-industry (Invista Tech. Ltd.). I wish to point out the excellent productivity of this period generating 12 publications and 3 patens. There

10 Электронные книги Pedro Lozano

Santiago V Luis & Eduardo Garcia-Verdugo: Flow Chemistry
Historically pharmaceutical and fine chemical products have been synthesised using batch methods, but increasingly chemists are looking towards flow chemistry as a greener and more efficient alternat …
Pedro Lozano: Sustainable Catalysis in Ionic Liquids
Sustainable Catalysis in Ionic Liquids provides an up-to-date overview of the relatively underexplored area of the use of room temperature ionic liquids as organocatalysts for a range of organic reac …
Pedro Lozano: Sustainable Catalysis in Ionic Liquids
Sustainable Catalysis in Ionic Liquids provides an up-to-date overview of the relatively underexplored area of the use of room temperature ionic liquids as organocatalysts for a range of organic reac …
Jairton Dupont & Toshiyuki Itoh: Environmentally Friendly Syntheses Using Ionic Liquids
Increased environmental consciousness within the scientific community has spurred the search for environmentally friendly processes as alternatives to conventional organic solvents. In the past two d …
Santiago V Luis & Eduardo Garcia-Verdugo: Flow Chemistry
Historically pharmaceutical and fine chemical products have been synthesised using batch methods, but increasingly chemists are looking towards flow chemistry as a greener and more efficient alternat …
Pedro Lozano: Diario de un viage a la costa de la mar Magallanica
El ‘Diario de un viaje a la costa de la mar Magallánica’ de Pedro Lozano es una obra que se sitúa en el contexto de la exploración marítima del siglo XVIII, un periodo en el cual las travesías al Nue …
Ferenc Darvas & György Dormán: Flow Chemistry – Applications
The fully up-dated edition of the two-volume work covers both the theoretical foundation as well as the practical aspects. A strong insight in driving a chemical reaction is crucial for a deeper unde …
Pedro Lozano: Biocatalysis in Green Solvents
Biocatalysis in Green Solvents offers a pragmatic overview and instruction in biocatalysis and enzymology of green solvents for sustainable industries and medicine, running from concept to applicatio …
Ferenc Darvas & Gyorgy Dorman: Flow Chemistry — Applications
The fully up-dated edition of the two-volume work covers both the theoretical foundation as well as the practical aspects. A strong insight in driving a chemical reaction is crucial for a deeper unde …
Jairton Dupont & Toshiyuki Itoh: Environmentally Friendly Syntheses Using Ionic Liquids
Increased environmental consciousness within the scientific community has spurred the search for environmentally friendly processes as alternatives to conventional organic solvents. In the past two d …