Given the importance of injection molding as a process as well as the simulation industry that supports it, there was a need for a book that deals solely with the modeling and simulation of injection molding. This book meets that need. The modeling and simulation details of filling, packing, residual stress, shrinkage, and warpage of amorphous, semi-crystalline, and fiber-filled materials are described. This book is essential for simulation software users, as well as for graduate students and researchers who are interested in enhancing simulation. And for the specialist, numerous appendices provide detailed information on the topics discussed in the chapters.
Part 1 The Current State of Simulation: Introduction, Stress and Strain in Fluid Mechanics, Material Properties of Polymers, Governing Equations, Approximations for Injection Molding, Numerical Methods for Solution
Part 2 Improving Molding Simulation: Improved Fiber Orientation Modeling, Improved Mechanical Property Modeling, Long Fiber-Filled Materials, Crystallization, Effects of Crystallizations on Rheology and Thermal Properties, Colorant Effects, Prediction of Post-Molding Shrinkage and Warpage, Additional Issues of Injection-Molding Simulation, Epilogue
Appendices: History of Injection-Molding Simulation, Tensor Notation, Derivation of Fiber Evolution Equations, Dimensional Analysis of Governing Equations, The Finite Difference Method, The Finite Element Method, Numerical Methods for the 2.5D Approximation, Three-Dimensional FEM for Mold Filling Analysis, Level Set Method, Full Form of Mori-Tanaka Model
Об авторе
Peter Kennedy, geboren 1955 in Australien hat Mathematik studiert und in Maschinenbau promoviert. Er arbeitete mehr als 22 Jahre für Moldflow, den ersten kommerziellen Anbieter von Simulations-Software für Spritzgießverfahren.
Rong Zheng, geboren 1947 in China hat 1991 in Computational Rheology an der University of Sydney promoviert. Von 1993 bis 2009 arbeitete er für Moldflow Pty. Ltd. (jetzt Autodesk) u.a. an der Simulation von Spritzgußverfahren
ENGLISH:Peter Kennedy was born in Melbourne, Australia, on the 22nd of November 1955. He studied Mathematics and Education at Melbourne and La Trobe Universities and has a Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering from the Technical University of Eindhoven. After teaching high school mathematics Peter joined Moldflow, the first commercial company to provide simulation software for injection molding. During a total time of 22 years at Moldflow he worked in various positions related to molding simulation and the development of the company’s key technologies through internally directed research programs and cooperative projects with academic and industrial research organizations.
Rong Zheng is an Australian citizen and was born in Xiamen, China, in 1947. He obtained a BSc in Mechanical Engineering in 1982 and a Master degree in Polymer Processing in 1985 at South China University of Technology and a Ph D in Computational Rheology in 1991 at The University of Sydney, where he continued as a Post-doctoral Fellow from 1991-1993. From 1993 to 2009, he was working in Moldflow Pty. Ltd. (now Autodesk) on research and development of science-based technology for modeling and simulation of injection molding, and was involved as a Chief/Partner Investigator in several collaborative research projects between Moldflow and Universities. He is currently an Adjunct Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Sydney.