London is a powerful and mysterious city – its spirit stands outside of time, certain places have influenced the behaviour of its citizens. Philipp Röttgers leads you to these places. Follow him into the heart of darkness, into the area of Jack the Ripper, to the churches of Nicholas Hawksmoor, along the routes of ‘From Hell’. Meet William Blake and walk along ‘Ripper Street’. Discover London’s ›genius loci‹, its ›spirit of place‹.
This alternative travel guide has two sides: A scientific trip through the depiction of London’s ›genius loci‹ in literature by authors such as Iain Sinclair, Alan Moore, Ben Aaronovitch, Neil Gaiman and Peter Ackroyd. And the tour stories, that lead you to the historical ›genius loci‹. Connect places, become the flaneur, the walker, the wanderer.
This book approaches London the only two ways, according to Röttgers, that it can be experienced properly: through literature and through walking.
Об авторе
Philipp Röttgers (M.A.), born in 1989, feels deeply connected to London, more than to any other place in the world. He is a drummer and a journalist. His first book about his favourite band Genesis was published in 2015. He studied ‘English Literatures and Cultures’ in Bonn, Germany. / Philipp Röttgers (M.A.), geb. 1989, fühlt sich nirgendwo so hingezogen wie zu London. Er ist Schlagzeuger und Journalist. Sein erstes Buch über seine Lieblingsband Genesis wurde 2015 veröffentlicht. Er hat ‘English Literatures and Cultures’ in Bonn studiert.