автор: Pierre-Marie Lledo

Jean-Didier Vincent is professor emeritus at the University of Paris-Sud-Orsay and a member of the Faculty of Medicine, Paris-Sud-Kremlin-Bicêtre. He is the author of the highly acclaimed Voyage extraordinaire au centre du cerveau (Extraordinary Voyage to the Center of the Brain) and Biologie des passions (The Biology of Emotions) and belongs to the French Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Medicine.Pierre-Marie Lledo is a research director specializing in neuronal stem cells and brain plasticity at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and chair the department of Neuroscience at the Pasteur Institute. He is recipient of a CNRS bronze medal and several Prizes from the French Academies of Medicine and Sciences. He belongs to the European Academy of Sciences.Laurence Garey has translated several works from French and German, including Korbinian Brodmann»s Localisation in the Cerebral Cortex, and publications by Jean-Pierre Changeux, Michel Jouvet, and Michel Meulders.

3 Электронные книги Pierre-Marie Lledo

Jean-Didier Vincent & Pierre-Marie Lledo: The Custom-Made Brain
Two leading neuroscientists introduce the concepts of ‘cerebral plasticity’ and the ‘regenerating brain, ‘ describing what we know now about the processes through which the brain constantly reconstru …
C. Giovanni Galizia & Pierre-Marie Lledo: Neurosciences — From Molecule to Behavior: a university textbook
Neurosciences — a comprehensive approach This textbook covers neuroscience from cellular and molecular mechanisms to behavior and cognitive processing. We also address evolution of the nervous system …
Minh-Thu Dinh-Audouin & Paul Rigny: La chimie et les sens
No detailed description available for ‘La chimie et les sens’. Das E-Book La chimie et les sens wird angeboten von EDP Sciences und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen kategorisiert: Chemistry …