Pramod J. Sadalage, consultor principal na Thought Works, tem a função rara de conectar as divisões entre profissionais de bancos de dados e desenvolvedores de aplicativos. Ele dá consultoria regularmente a clientes que têm necessidades especialmente desafiadoras de dados que requeiram novas tecnologias e técnicas. Ele desenvolveu técnicas pioneiras que permitem que os bancos de dados relacionais sejam projetados de um modo evolutivo, baseado em migrações de esquema controladas por versões. Com Scott Ambler, é coautor de Refactoring Databases (Addison-Wesley, 2006).
Martin Fowler, cientista principal na Thought Works, enfoca formas melhores de projetar sistemas de software e melhorar a produtividade do desenvolvedor. Seus livros incluem Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture, UML Distilled (3ª edição), Domain-Specific Languages (com Rebecca Parsons) e Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (com Kent Beck, John Brant e William Opdyke). Todos foram publicados pela Addison-Wesley.
5 Электронные книги Pramod J. Sadalage
Martin Fowler & Pramod J. Sadalage: NoSQL Distilled
The need to handle increasingly larger data volumes is one factor driving the adoption of a new class of nonrelational "No SQL" databases. Advocates of No SQL databases claim they can be us …
Pramod J. Sadalage: Recipes for Continuous Database Integration
This is the e Book version of the printed book. The past few years have seen the rise of agile or evolutionary methods in software development. These methods embrace change in requirements even late …
Scott W. Ambler & Pramod J. Sadalage: Refactoring Databases
Refactoring has proven its value in a wide range of development projects-helping software professionals improve system designs, maintainability, extensibility, and performance. Now, for the first tim …
Martin Fowler & Pramod J. Sadalage: NoSQL Distilled
The need to handle increasingly larger data volumes is one factor driving the adoption of a new class of nonrelational "No SQL" databases. Advocates of No SQL databases claim they can be us …
Scott W. Ambler & Pramod J. Sadalage: Refactoring Databases
Refactoring has proven its value in a wide range of development projects-helping software professionals improve system designs, maintainability, extensibility, and performance. Now, for the first tim …