автор: Qing Wang

Qing Wang is a researcher at the Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS). She is also the deputy chief engineer of ISCAS and director of Laboratory for Internet Software Technologies of ISCAS. She currently serves as a director of the Board of Directors of the International Software and Systems Processes Association (ISSPA), the member of the International Software Engineering Research Network (ISERN), a member of the editorial board of Information and Software Technology Journal (IST) and Journal of Software Evolution and Process (JSEP), and the CMMI lead appraisal. She has served as the general chair of ESEM in 2015, the program chair of ICSP from 2007 to 2009. Her research lies in the area of software process, software quality assurance, requirement engineering, knowledge engineering, big data, and artificial intelligence for software engineering. She has 20 years of experience in software process and quality assurance technologies. Her recent research related to software process and quality management has won the second prize of National Progress in Science and Technology of China and second prize of Progress in Science and Technology of Beijing. She has edited/co-edited 5 books and published more than 100 papers in international high-level conferences and journals. Zhenyu Chen is the founder of Mooctest (mooctest.net), and he is currently a Professor at the Software Institute, Nanjing University. He received his bachelor and Ph.D. in Mathematics from Nanjing University. He worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. His research interests focus on software analysis and testing. He has more than 100 publications in journals and proceedings, including TOSEM, TSE, JSS, SQJ, IJSEKE, ISSTA, ICST, QSIC, etc. He has served as the associated editor for IEEE Transactions on Reliability, PC co-chair of QRS 2016, QSIC 2013, AST2013, IWPD2012, and the programcommittee member of many international conferences. He also founded the NJSD (Nanjing Global Software Development Conference). He has won research funding from several competitive sources such as NSFC. He owns more than 40 patents (22 granted), and some of his patents have been transferred into well-known software companies such as Baidu, Alibaba and Huawei. Junjie Wang is an associate researcher at the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS). She received the Ph D degree from ISCAS in 2015. She was a visiting scholar at North Carolina State University from Sep.2017 to Sep.2018 and worked with Prof. Tim Menzies. Her research interests include crowdsourced testing, mining software repositories, and intelligent software engineering. She has more than 20 high-quality publications and has received the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at ICSE in 2019 and 2020 respectively, as well as IEEE Best Paper Award at QRS in 2019. Yang Feng received bachelor’s and master’s degrees in software engineering from Nanjing University in 2011 and 2013, respectively. He obtained the Ph.D. at the University of California, Irvine.  He has published more than 30 referred papers and regularly serves PC member and reviewer for international conferences and journals. His current research interests lie in software testing, crowdsourced software engineering, and program analysis.

17 Электронные книги Qing Wang

Songling Huang & Shen Wang: Electromagnetic Ultrasonic Guided Waves
This book introduces the fundamental theory of electromagnetic ultrasonic guided waves, together with its applications. It includes the dispersion characteristics and matching theory of guided waves; …
Qing Wang: Coaching Psychology for Learning
The contribution of coaching psychology to educational fields is increasingly recognised. This timely book introduces coaching psychology as a facilitative method to support learning in different edu …
Qing Wang: Coaching Psychology for Learning
The contribution of coaching psychology to educational fields is increasingly recognised. This timely book introduces coaching psychology as a facilitative method to support learning in different edu …
Dietmar Pfahl & David M. Raffo: Software Process Change
This volume contains papers presented at the first joint conference of the Software Pr- ess Workshop and the International Workshop on Software Process Simulation and Modeling (SPW/Pro Sim 2006) held …
Dietmar Pfahl & David M. Raffo: Software Process Dynamics and Agility
This volume contains papers presented at the International Conference on Software Process (ICSP 2007) held in Minneapolis, USA, May 19-20, 2007. ICSP 2007 c- prised two successful series of process-r …
Dietmar Pfahl & David Raffo: Making Globally Distributed Software Development a Success Story
This volume contains papers presented at the International Conference on Software Process (ICSP 2008) held in Leipzig, Germany, during May 10-11, 2008. ICSP 2008 was the second conference of the ICSP …
Vahid Garousi & Raymond Madachy: Trustworthy Software Development Processes
This volume contains papers presented at the International Conference on Software Process (ICSP 2009) held in Vancouver, Canada, during May 16-17, 2009. ICSP 2009 was the third conference of the ICSP …
Chongwei Zheng & Jianjun Xu: 21st Century Maritime Silk Road: Wave Energy Resource Evaluation
This book focuses on the evaluation of wave energy in the Maritime Silk Road. Firstly, it compares wave energy and other main energy sources, and then discusses the various disadvantages. It also pre …
Wenxing Hong & Chao Li: Technology-Inspired Smart Learning for Future Education
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 29th National Conference on Computer Science Technology and Education, NCCSTE 2019, held in Kaifeng, China, in October 2019.The 12 full papers pr …
Leo M. Chalupa & John S. Werner: New Visual Neurosciences
A comprehensive review of contemporary research in the vision sciences, reflecting the rapid advances of recent years.Visual science is the model system for neuroscience, its findings relevant to all …
Qing Wang & Zhenyu Chen: Intelligent Crowdsourced Testing
In an article for Wired Magazine in 2006, Jeff Howe defined crowdsourcing as an idea for outsourcing a task that is traditionally performed by a single employee to a large group of people in the form …
Fauziah Ahmad & Qing Wang: Advances in Civil Function Structure and Industrial Architecture
Advances in Civil Function Structure and Industrial Architecture contains the Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Civil Function Structure and Industrial Architecture (CFSIA 2022), which w …
Fauziah Ahmad & Qing Wang: Advances in Civil Function Structure and Industrial Architecture
Advances in Civil Function Structure and Industrial Architecture contains the Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Civil Function Structure and Industrial Architecture (CFSIA 2022), which w …
Qing Wang: Cardiovascular Disease, Volume 1
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in developed countries, but is quickly becoming an epidemic in such well-populated countries as China, India, and other developing nations. Cardio …
Qing Wang: Cardiovascular Disease, Volume 2
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in developed countries, but is quickly becoming an epidemic in such well-populated countries as China, India, and other developing nations. Cardio …
Qing Wang & Xiwang Dong: Proceedings of 2023 7th Chinese Conference on Swarm Intelligence and Cooperative Control
This book includes original, peer-reviewed research papers from the 2023 7th Chinese Conference on Swarm Intelligence and Cooperative Control (CCSICC2023), held in Nanjing, China on November 17-19, 2 …
Qing Wang & Bin Xin: Distributed Cooperative Control and Optimization for Multi-Agent Systems
This book provides a concise and in-depth exposition of distributed control and optimization problems of multi-agent systems. The book integrates various ideas and tools from dynamic systems, control …