автор: Rainer Arnold

Rainer Arnold, Dr. Dres.h.c. Professor at the University of Regensburg, in 1979 appointed holder of the Chair of Public Law, in 1999 nominated holder of the Jean Monnet Chair of EU Law and in 2008 holder of the Jean Monnet Chair ad personam „Legal Relations of the EU with Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe“. Nominated in 2000 hostujíci professor at the Charles University Prague. Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Bologna, Membre de l’Académie internationale de droit comparé, Fellow of the European Law Institute, in 2008 Fernand Braudel Fellow at the European University Institute, Fiesole/Florence, former Visiting Professor at Universities in Europe (Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Paris II (Panthéon-Assas), Strasbourg, Toulouse, Rome La Sapienza, Bologna, and other) and in Latin America. Founding member of the International Research Group on Human Rights and Rule of Law. José Ignacio Martínez is Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law in the Faculty of Law of the University of the Andes, Chile. Prof. Martínez has been Jean Monnet Chair Holder, and currently serves as Vice Chancellor for Research and Postgraduate Studies at the University of the Andes. Prof. Martínez is author of books and articles published in Chile and other countries. Professor Martínez is a founding member of the International Research Group on Human Rights and Rule of Law.

11 Электронные книги Rainer Arnold

Rainer Arnold & José Ignacio Martínez-Estay: Rule of Law, Human Rights and Judicial Control of Power
Judicial control of public power ensures a guarantee of the rule of law. This book addresses the scope and limits of judicial control at the national level, i.e. the control of public authorities, an …
Manja Hussner: Die Übernahme internationalen Rechts in die russische und deutsche Rechtsordnung
Wie unabhängig sind Nationalstaaten heute noch von Entscheidungen internationaler Organisationen? Wie stark wird nationales Recht von Völkerrecht beeinflusst? Welche Übernahmemechanismen gibt es und …
Manja Hussner & Rainer Arnold: Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit in Zentralasien I
Welche Weg beschreiten die zentralasiatischen Staaten mit Blick auf Verfassungsrechte, Grundrechte, Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit? Welche Bedeutung genießt der Schutz dieser Rechte und Staatspri …
Manja Hussner & Rainer Arnold: Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit in Zentralasien II
Welchen Weg beschreiten die zentralasiatischen Staaten mit Blick auf Verfassungsrechte, Grundrechte, Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit? Welche Bedeutung genießt der Schutz dieser Rechte und Staatspr …
Rainer Arnold: The Universalism of Human Rights
Is there universalism of human rights? If so, what are its scope and limits? This book is a doctrinal attempt to define universalism of human rights, as well as its scope and limits. The book present …
Rainer Arnold: The Convergence of the Fundamental Rights Protection in Europe
The book gives insight into the structures and developments of the fundamental rights protection in Europe which is effective at the levels of the national Constitutions, the European Convention of H …
Rainer Arnold: Limitations of National Sovereignty through European Integration
The book considers the changes which national sovereignty has undergone through the supranational European integration. In various contributions by renowned academics and high judges demonstrate the …
Rainer Arnold & Javier Cremades: Rule of Law and the Challenges Posed by the Pandemic
The rule of law represents the heart of constitutionalism. Public power can only be legitimately exercised if it is based on and complies with the law. The Constitution and its fundamental values – h …
Valentina Colcelli & Roberto Cippitani: GDPR Requirements for Biobanking Activities Across Europe
The book deals with the effective operation of the rules related to biomedical research and pays attention to the activities of the national legislatures of the 27 Member States in the field of scien …
Rainer Arnold: Afrikanische Literatur und nationale Befreiung
Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für ‘Afrikanische Literatur und nationale Befreiung’ verfügbar. Das E-Book Afrikanische Literatur und nationale Befreiung wird angeboten von De Gruyter und wurde mit f …
Rainer Arnold & Toni Fickentscher: The Responsibility of a Constitution for the Future
A constitution has the task of realizing its regulatory objective for the entire duration of its existence. In doing so, it bears responsibility for the present, but also for the future. It must ensu …