автор: Ray Collins

Emeritus Professor Ray Collins was the Agribusiness Group Leader in the School of Agriculture and Food Sciences at the University of Queensland until 2014, and retained an appointment as Professor of Agribusiness until 2016, when he became Emeritus Professor. Professor Collins has 30 years» experience working with new industries with a special interest in linking small independent farmers with markets and consumers. He developed one of the first research programs that adopted an integrated view of the production, marketing and human resource challenges of new industries. Along with Associate Professor Tony Dunne, Professor Collins codeveloped the «Walking the Chain» participatory research and training method. He has applied this method in developing country projects in Pakistan, the Philippines, China and Vietnam. Currently, he is the Course Director of the annual Australia Awards Africa Agribusiness short course, member of the International Advisory Panel to the New Zealand government»s Our Land and Water Science Challenge and Chair of the external reference group to a $16m Australian research program investigating innovative technologies for tracking horticultural produce quality through export chains. He has published over 100 refereed papers and book chapters, supervised approximately 20 Ph D and 30 Masters students, and has been a recipient of University of Queensland and National Excellence in Teaching Awards.

7 Электронные книги Ray Collins

Ray Collins & Gareth Rees: The Honey Garlic and Vinegar Miracle
For many centuries, honey, garlic and vinegar have been known as healing foods. Individually, they can clean wounds… boost your energy… fight infection… help you sleep… moisturise your skin …
Ray Collins: The Lemon Book
Discover 76 amazing natural ‘cure alls’ for everyday problems Including… Why drinking a lemon ‘through your nose’ could help relieve asthma symptoms… page 25 Get rid of cellulite! Try this simple …
Benjamin Dent & Ray Collins: A Manual for Agribusiness Value Chain Analysis in Developing Countries
Value Chain Analysis (VCA) diagnoses the current state of a value chain and makes recommendations to improve its effectiveness and efficiency. Applying VCA in developing countries is very often …
Ray Collins & Juan Pablo Alfaro: El caso de la vestal enamorada
En el año 13 d.C. durante las fiestas en honor de Vesta, la diosa guardiana del fuego de los hogares de Roma, servida por vírgenes vestales, ocurre un crimen pasional que involucra a familiares …
Ray Collins: The General’s Briefcase
When General Winston invites a beautiful woman to his hotel room in Tysons, Virginia, he expects a romantic sexcapade. But Dana Hussein al-Sadi turns the tables, assassinates the general, and steals …
Ray Collins: Motive for Murder
In Motive for Murder, rookie detective Hana Brown’s traumatic past puts her front and center of the Fairfax County Police Department’s media push-and gets her assigned to the gruesome murder of …
Pauline Green & Ray Collins: Embracing Cyprus
When Archbishop Makarios was toppled as President of Cyprus in a 1974 coup, and Turkish forces invaded the island, few saw Cyprus as part of the incipient drive to create a new Europe. Yet, as …