Based on a series of international workshops sponsored by the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundations, this cutting-edge volume advances theories, methodologies, and policy analyses relating to various forms of violence against women. Under the skillful editorship of Rebecca Emerson and Russell P. Dobash, Rethinking Violence Against Women is the joint effort of recognized anthropologists, psychologists, philosophers, sociologists, and historians in the field. Divided in three parts, this text takes a comprehensive examination of the following topics: +
Cross-Border Encounters — R E Dobash and R P Dobash
Challenges and Opportunities
Rethinking Survey Research on Violence against Women — H Johnson
Sexual Violence against Women and Girls — L Kelly and J Radford
An Approach to an International Overview
Violence Embodied — J Boddy
Circumcision, Gender Politics and Cultural Aesthetics
Violence against Women in Societies under Stress — M Mc Williams
Violent Men and Violent Contexts — R E Dobash and R P Dobash
The Hand That Strikes and Comforts — E Lundgren
Gender Construction and the Tension between Body and Symbol
Lethal and Non-Lethal Violence against Wives and the Evolutionary Psychology of Male Sexual Proprietariness — M Wilson and M Daly