New and innovative biomaterials are being discovered or created in laboratories at an unprecedented rate, but many of them remain entirely foreign to practicing clinicians. This book addresses this gap in knowledge by summarizing some of the groundbreaking research performed to date on this topic and providing case examples of these biomaterials at work. The book begins with a review of the biologic background and applications of bone grafting materials utilized in dentistry. The principles of guided tissue and bone regeneration are covered in detail, including many recent advancements in barrier membrane technologies as well as use of platelet-rich fibrin and various growth factors, and many next-generation materials that will optimize future bone and periodontal regeneration are presented. The final chapter is designed to help clinicians select appropriate biomaterials for each specific regenerative protocol. Much like one implant size and shape cannot be utilized for every indication in implant dentistry, one bone grafting material, barrier membrane, or growth factor cannot maximize regenerative outcomes in all clinical situations. This textbook teaches clinicians how to utilize biomaterials in an appropriate, predictable, and evidence-based manner. 384 pp; 960 illus; 2019
1. The Regenerative Properties of Bone Grafts: A Comparison Between Autografts, Allografts, Xenografts, and Alloplasts
2. Autogenous Bone: The Gold Standard for Bone Regeneration
3. The Use of Allografts for Bone and Periodontal Regeneration
4. The Use of Xenografts in Implant Dentistry and Periodontology
5. Next-Generation Natural Bovine Bone Mineral Grafting Material with Integrated Atelocollagen Type 1
6. Synthetic Bone Substitute Materials
7. Next-Generation Osteoinductive Synthetic Calcium Phosphates: Osopia
8. The Use of Autogenous Dentin Particulate Graft for Alveolar Ridge Preservation and Augmentation Following Tooth Extraction
9. Next-Generation Osteoconductive Resorbable Bone Adhesives: Tetranite
10. 3D Printing Scaffolds for Alveolar Bone Augmentation
11. Membranes for Guided Tissue and Bone Regeneration
12. Autogenous Blood-Derived Barrier Membranes: Platelet-Rich Fibrin in Regenerative Dentistry
13. Bone Regeneration with Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2
14. Enamel Matrix Derivative: Preclinical Biologic Background
15. Enamel Matrix Derivative: Clinical Studies
16. Efficacy of Recombinant Human PDGF and FGF-2 for Regenerative Dentistry
17. Combination Approaches for Periodontal Regeneration: Biologics, Bone Grafts, and Barrier Membranes
18. Next-Generation Bone Morphogenetic Protein 9: The Future of Bone Regeneration?
19. Osteogain: The Next Generation of Enamel Matrix Derivative
20. Next-Generation Wound Healing with Hyaluronic Acid
21. Next-Generation Ion Incorporation into Bone Grafts for Bone and Periodontal Regeneration
22. Next-Generation Use of Gene Therapy for Growth Factor Delivery
23. Clinical Recommendations and Guidelines for Selecting Biomaterials for Bone and Periodontal Regeneration
Об авторе
‘Dr Richard J. Miron is currently Visiting Faculty in the Department of Periodontology at the University of Bern in Switzerland, where he completed his Ph D studies. He has published over 150 peer-reviewed articles and lectures internationally on many topics relating to growth factors, bone biomaterials, and guided bone regeneration. Dr Miron has been awarded many top international prizes in regenerative dentistry and implant dentistry, including the ITI André Schroeder Research Prize, the International Association for Dental Research Young Investigator of the Year award in the field of implant dentistry, and the American Academy of Implant Dentistry Young Investigator grant award. He has completed postdoctoral research fellowships in Switzerland, Canada, China, Spain, and the United States.
Dr Yufeng Zhang is the Luojiashan Distinguished Professor and chief physician at the Wuhan University Medical and Dental School in Wuhan, China. He completed a two-year peri-implant bone biology research fellowship at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, and in 2010 he completed an ITI scholar position at the University of Bern in Switzerland. His research is primarily engaged in the _ eld of implanted biomaterials used for alveolar bone and periodontal regeneration. Dr Zhang was one of the _ rst researchers to propose the concept of gene-activated tissue engineering scaffolds, developing a scaffold-gene integration system that has its own biologic activity in vivo due to the autocrine growth factor. He has since been responsible for the development of several biomaterials with numerous industrial partners.’