The Blackwell Guide to Metaphysics is a definitive introduction to the core areas of metaphysics. It brings together sixteen internationally respected philosophers that demonstrate how metaphysics is done as they examine topics including causation, temporality, ontology, personal identity, idealism, and realism.
List of Contributors.
1. Physics, Metaphysics, and Method in Newton’s Dynamics:
Lawrence Sklar.
2. Causation: Wesley Salmon.
3. What Events Are: Jonathan Bennett.
4. Time, Temporality and Paradox, Richard M. Gale.
5. A Thomist Metaphysics: John Haldane.
6. The Concept of Ontological Catergory: a New Approach: Lorenz
7. Universals and Predication: Bruce Aune.
8. Composition as a Fiction: Gideon Rosen and Cian Dorr.
9. What Do We Refer To When We Say ‘I’? Peter van Inwagen.
10. Personal Identity: The Non-Branching Form of ‘What Matters’:
Jennifer E. Whiting.
11. Idealism: T.L.S. Sprigge.
12. An Idealistic Realism: Presuppositional Realism and
Justifcatory Idealism: Nichlas Rescher.
13. Overcoming a Dualism of Concepts and Causes: The Basic
Argument of ‘Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind’: Robert
14. Metaphysical Realism and Logical Nonrealism: Panayot
15. The Metaphysics of Possibilia: William Lycan.
16. The Actual and the Possible: Alexander Pruss.
Об авторе
Richard M. Gale is Professor of Philosophy at the
University of Pittsburgh. He is the author of On the Nature and
Existence of God (1991) and The Divided Self of William
James (1999).